Should I call 911?
Sometimes it’s not obvious when and when not to dial those digits. The common rule: Dial 911 any time there’s a threat to life or property. Take a look below at some more in depth explanations based on knowledge from a first aid expert on when to call 911. When in doubt, always call.
Here are some examples of when you should call 911:
Heart/Lung Problems:
- Unrelieved shortness of breath (SOB)
- Pain/discomfort in neck, jaw, back, one or both arms
- Confusion
Chest Pain:
- Sudden, unrelieved, severe, or prolonged chest pain
High Blood Pressure:
- Blood pressure is above 180/90
- Sudden severe unusual headache
Breathing Problems:
- Extreme difficulty breathing
- Unrelieved shortness of breath (SOB); SOB at rest
- Difficulty walking and talking due to SOB
- Fingernails or lips are blue
- Skin color is pale or gray
- Usual activities severely limited
- Frothy sputum (spit)
- Fainting
- Confusion
- Peak flow < 50% of personal best
Too Much Blood Thinner:
- Bleeding that will not stop
- Black bowel movements/stool
- Throwing up bright red blood or if it looks like coffee grounds
- Bleeding with confusion, weakness, dizziness and fainting
- Fruity breath
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Difficulty breathing
- Low blood sugar not responding to home treatment
- Unconsciousness
- Seizures
Signs of Infection:
- Fever above 38.5 ̊C/ 101.3F with chills or confusion
- Bleeding that will not stop
Trouble Thinking:
- Plan of hurting self or someone else
- Sudden difficulty speaking/slurred speech
- Confusion
Trouble Moving/Fall
- Fall
- Sudden loss of balance
- Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg
- Sudden difficulty speaking/slurred speech
Information for this page was based on an article from a first aid expert. For the full article go to: